Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
During the Eurostars funded EU project E!9215 - IMAID (Advanced in vivo imaging service for preclinical models to improve therapies in Autoimmune Diseases) we have had the opportunity to work with Image analysis group (UK) and LBIC (Lund University, Lund, SE) to set up and validate advanced in vivo imaging analysis in preclinical models of autoimmune conditions. Within the EU program we have evaluated MRI analysis of both arthritis and MS models in rats using the Image analysis Dynamica platform.
Redoxis offer standardised in vivo imaging models with relevance for autoimmune diseases including RA and MS. Image Analysis offer state of the art in vivo imaging computer aided diagnosis for detection of inflammation in animal models. Their cloud based platform Dynamika provide multiple analytic tools within a common user interface. Their DEMRIQ test are validated for clinical studies and represent a more automated assessment system based on dynamic contrast enhanced MRI.
Contact us for more information on our capabilities.
MRI on contrast dynamics in rat paws with mild arthritis (left) and severe arthritis (right)