We are very happy to announce that our joint project application E!114520 ACTION has been approved as a Eurostars
labelled project and funding by the EUREKA Association.
The project consortium is focused on development of hormone analogue drugs for treatment of autoimmune diseases.
The novel drug will target the endocrine-immune interphase and the strong relationship between the level of
hormones and symptom severity of autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). The goal of the project is
to develop a modified hormone based drugs that selectively targets immune cells without interfering with
reproductive hormones. Redoxis role in the project, with a total budget of 1,6 million Euros and duration of 36
months, will be focused on evaluation of the effects of the developed drug candidates in autoimmunity using our
established preclinical model platform. By combining niched and specific competences of the consortium members we
aim to deliver an IND approved drug ready for first-in-human trials post-project.